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This is a legacy page for vitepress-versioning-plugin. Please refer to the latest version for the most up-to-date information. This page is for version 0.11.0.


This plugin adds versioning support to VitePress.


pnpm install vitepress-versioning-plugin


Replace defineConfig in your .vitepress/config.mts with defineVersionedConfig and add a versioning object to your config.

This versioning object should contain a latestVersion property, which is the name of the latest version (When no version is specified in the URL, eg: /).

export default defineVersionedConfig(__dirname, {
  // ... your vitepress config.
  versioning: {
    latestVersion: "1.0.0",

Adding Versions

To add a version, simply add a directory to the versions folder in the root of your vitepress site.

To add a sidebar, put your sidebar into .vitepress/sidebars/versioned/{version}.json (or where specified by the sidebarPathResolver function).

If you have locales in the version, localized sidebars can be found at .vitepress/sidebars/versioned/{version}-{locale}.json, or where specified by the sidebarPathResolver function.


PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
versioning.latestVersionThe latest (current/root) version of the project.None
versioning.switcher.textThe text to display on the version switcher button.'Switch Version'
versioning.switcher.includeLatestVersionShould the latest (root) version be included in the version switcher?true
versioning.sidebars.processSidebarURLsWhether or not to process sidebar URLs. Uses the sidebarUrlProcessor function.true
versioning.sidebars.sidebarPathResolverThe function that resolves the path to the sidebar file for a given version.(version) => '.vitepress/sidebars/versioned/${version}.json'
versioning.sidebars.sidebarUrlProcessorThe function that processes sidebar URLs.(url, version) => '/${version}${url}'
versioning.rewrites.rewriteProcessorThe function that processes rewrite URLs.(inputFilePath, version) => inputFilePath.replace('versions/', '')
versioning.rewrites.localeRewriteProcessorThe function that processes rewrite URLs for localized versions.(inputFilePath, version, locale) => '${locale}/' + inputFilePath.replace('versions/', '').replace('${locale}/', '')


"The sidebar cannot be an array. Please use a DefaultTheme.MultiSidebar object where the root ('/') is your array."

This occurs when you have a sidebar that is an array, such as the following:

  sidebar: [
          text: '1.0.0',
          link: '/'

Instead, you should have a sidebar object that looks like the following:

  sidebar: {
    '/': [
        text: '1.0.0',
        link: '/'

This is because the sidebar object is expected to be a DefaultTheme.MultiSidebar object, where the root ('/') is the array of sidebar items.

I will not be developing an automatic migration from the array sidebar to the object sidebar, as this is a breaking change and should be done manually by developers.

"Versioned sidebar preperation failed, disabling sidebar versioning."

Please open an issue and provide a link to your documentation repository. This error occurs when the plugin is unable to find the sidebar for a version. This could be due to the sidebar not existing, or the sidebar being an array instead of an object.