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Configuration Reference

These configuration values are for the latest version. If you are using an older version of the plugin, switch version in the navbar.

  • themeConfig. refers to values which are part of the VitePress theme configuration, within the themeConfig block, these configuration values can also exist per-locale given that you use a custom theme configuration for each locale.
  • versioning. refers to values which are part of the VitePress Versioning Plugin configuration, these apply across all locales and versions.
PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
themeConfig.sidebar.processShould the plugin should process sidebar links according to the versioning.sidebars processor functions?true
themeConfig.versionSwitcher.textThe text to display on the version switcher button."Switch Version"
themeConfig.versionSwitcher.includeLatestVersionShould the latest (root) version be included in the version switcher?true
versioning.latestVersionA string representation of the latest version of the project (root).null
versioning.sidebars.processSidebarURLsWhether or not to process sidebar URLs. Uses the sidebarUrlProcessor function.true
versioning.sidebars.sidebarPathResolverThe function that resolves the path to the sidebar file for a given version.(version: Version) => `.vitepress/sidebars/versioned/${version}.json`
versioning.sidebars.sidebarUrlProcessorThe function that processes sidebar URLs.(url: string, version: Version) => `/${version}${url}`
versioning.rewrites.localePrefixThe prefix to add to the locale folders.""
versioning.rewrites.localeRewriteProcessorThe function that processes rewrite URLs for locale folders.(inputFilePath: string, _version: Version, locale: string) => `${locale}/` + inputFilePath.replace("versions/", "").replace(`${locale}/`, "")
versioning.rewrites.rewriteProcessorThe function that processes rewrite URLs.(inputFilePath: string, _version: Version) => inputFilePath.replace("versions/", "")